Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Moving to beneficience?

Your view of things is predictable, not mystical at all and you can generate beneficience in thought ... for you and for others.  Beneficience?  Yes ... seeing something for a good ... that is for some benefit.  It starts with you.  Today,  to move your mental well being a notch closer to "better" take a moment to look back and savor your past.  You have gone through some things, you have failed and you have succeeded, you have been changed and you have changed others.  These times you're remembering were ingredients to bring you to where you are - in this moment of recollection. If you look closely at your past you will see that by being able to recall it ... even if much of it WAS rough you have made it through.  Take some time to attend in memory to your walk, up hills and down, in the rain and the sun, among many and in isolation, in abundance and in deprivation ... YOU HAVE MADE IT TO TODAY.  Dr. Seligman, in Authentic Happiness, summmarizes three areas to the science of happiness, where one part is this concept of "savoring." The ingredients individually may be yummy or gross ... but as the recipe comes together it's okay to take in the mix that is uniquely and wonderfully YOU! #authentichappiness #seligman #savoring #mentalhealth #counseling #therapy #mindfulness #cognitive


PHOTO CREDIT: Wyron A on Unsplash

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