Sunday, March 27, 2022

Courts, Cases, Costs and Care: What about that Care Thing?

This legal case started in 2015; that was 7 years ago.  Get this - this case is said to be heading "back to the supreme court."  I'm curious about the money spent,  the time spent,  the stress of all involved.

         Photo Credit: Eric Mclean and Unsplash.

Americans continue to give away money over terms like "Republican, Democrat, Christian" and in supposed "principled arguments" standing on some ground - to limit previously decided laws.  And then to change a word or two,  to retry cases and attempt to hair line tweak cases to find the next precedent on which to stand.
Do you know that we keep spending money to fight over freedom - supposedly in the freest country in the world?  Has anyone considered how expensive our divisions are?
A Christian believed that God needed help in a court room?  4 people who wanted to be married had to go to court to get the system to anti-sanction, religious freedom, sexual freedom and marital freedom laws? 
Does any of this make any sense?
Look I know that many things in life must be fought for.  
But you and I remain palpably divided.  Why?  Who benefits when these divisions distract us from liking each other and us simply getting along?
Our country has the high honor of more covid deaths in the world than any other country.   We are arguing over gender and race and education.  The number one cause for bankruptcy in the US is healthcare costs.  Homeless people need housing.   Retired people need actual healthcare.  Schools need money to teach.  We have gazillions of folks in prison for non-violent crimes.  We argue and continue to perpetuate laws rooted in racism, oppression and inequality - in a democracy where 51% supposedly is considered sufficient cause to establish anything as "legal."  Our foods are soaked in carcinogens and our water is so cloudy we can see things floating about.  The tax system is a mammoth 70,000 pages (where more lawyers are needed).
We are not divided solely by principals.  We are divided by nearly everything we read and the talking points we grab onto.
Nearly every article I read labels the republican or the democrat in the one up and one down (opposing and binary) arguments.  Nearly every story I read talks of the next legal implication about to unfold.
One day,  idealism will shape reality.   The idea that you and I, as a majority, really do care - and can care - about each other will begin to sink in.   The idea that love is unconditional not conceptual - but practical - where actions to drive love first will be in the communal consciousness. One day,  any reason to justify the non- caring and the non-protection of another human being will become the rejectable - instead of the cause.
I hope even in dismay.

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Kids talk. Teachers teach. Laws might just make them both very very sick.

Kids, teachers and so many others are going to seek help to find a safe place to just be - and a counselor's office will quite possibly be the next best stop (in some states anyway).  But should it be?

     Photo credit: Wesley Tingey and Unsplash

Imagine a kid, 4 years old, who has two dad's ... or a kid whose aunts are married.  At school this 4 or 5 year old kid does what kids do ... starts talking about an everyday dinner event with Dad or with "aunty" at school.   And the hush that is legally mandated overtakes the 5 year old as this little kid discusses a funny moment at home last night.   Here in this moment,  a sanctioned legal policy enacts secrecy, ostracization, bullying and potentially creates a criminal if the teacher acts in any way to address the very natural and normal conversation of the child.

I have written about this topic in many different ways and a number of times, in a number of places for a number of years .... on the talkifuwant website .... in the book Psychobabblejabble, on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook (personal and professional)... and many many years ago I was interviewed in Florida regarding reparative therapy and treating children ....I've posted things in a podcast too ... all with various angles and takes looking at what  I guess is controversial.

LGBT is not a moral issue, it's not a legal issue ... it's not a political issue ... it's not a prohibitive one ...  it's not something to be protective of or about ... it's not taught, it's not contagious, it's not a fad or a phase ... it's a human thing.... it is a scientific reality - and nearly all components of LGBT (however you attempt to classify or judge) are biologically grounded - like real and hard sciences kinds of stuff.

So I'll say this ... again ... But. The. Children.

When that child just talks .... she and her entire cohort, teachers included will be faced with an actual > created < crisis.  And when the dust settles (weeks or months or even years later) allot of harmed people will seek mental health care - because the stress alone will lead them to need it.  And, to get treated ... a diagnosis must first be added to the insurance billing system (a whole other podcast) to effect care.  Because a kid just talks.

Missouri, Florida and DC are all mentioned in this article - Montana, Kentucky and others...a poll is mentioned where in one example 51% of the public support this legal criminalization... the split is palpable. 

The damage and harm and the societal and cultural trauma inflicted upon the children and the adults as these traumas will no doubt occur is a hidden iatrogenic affect of laws that prohibit talking and teaching. Trauma created by laws and courtrooms... impacting the places of learning at the most impressionable times.  

The mental health business is about to grow again ....because of laws that ban things like talking, teaching, being open,  honest and respectful....directed to one people ... lgbt.  Laws contradicting science, academia ... creating criminal teachers and soon to be secret keeping 4 year olds.

And some laws are now regulating if and how counselors might talk to or with lgbt identified youth and their parents.

Read this ... please. Think about this one little kid having a simple conversation at school.  Think about this one teacher in that moment.  Then consider the counselor's office next. 

My heart aches a bit ...