Thursday, October 25, 2018

Taboos in sex and sexuality .... and google!?!

Wait till you see how google handled this post on my business listing ...

As posted ....

The taboos of sex, sexuality,  sexual expression and sexual openness inadvertently alter the paradigms of individuals and communities.  From moral inhibitions to definitions of "appropriate" and "inappropriate," to labels that box behaviors into judgemental frameworks - the oppression of the everyday "private lives" thrive.  Too in the clinical world sex negative indicators of illness paradigms can prevent clients from talking openly about thoughts,  feelings,  fantasies, dreams and even personal taboos.  In the sex affirmative paradigm, for those willing to risk the ambiguity, the uncertainties, the unquieted infatuations of the human race, called humanity - clients can feel safe enough to - well - just talk.  Want to learn more about sex affirmative paradigms and alternatively, sex in the medical model of abnormal?  #TalkifUwant #sex #mentalhealth #google #googletookitdown

Photo credit: A. Quiro,

And then after the post to my ... google took it down!

NOTE AFTER THIS BLOG WAS POSTED ON MY GOOGLE BUSINESS LISTING ...  google business took down the blog saying "flagged and removed."  Strange for a progressive company and a national search engine where millions of porn sites appear.  And so they contribute to abnormalizing sex, sexuality and speaking in healthy ways.  Just "taboo?"  Uhhh, yeah ... that really happened today (10/25/2018)!

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