A conscience ... This grandaughter speaks a truth, without getting into the mix of naming people as bad (she says that they are good actually).... she speaks of a conscience, a corporate conscience, from an era not so long gone... she speaks of a time when wealth and profit were not the purpose, as they have seemingly become in today's systemic and structural society... this grandaughter both celebrates and damns Disney ... a global brand and a known name that is in her family lineage (she names other big names too). This grandaughter, without grabbing onto any particular brand or policy or politics suggests that any corporation that has in its midst an employee without a living wage is not fulfilling its purpose... it is fulfilling share-premacy (something that makes sense, she says and she questions a bit as well). This grandaughter does not talk about a living wage at $15 an hour (she didn't even mention it - probably because she knows that $15 is NOT a living wage)...this grandaughter mentions food and decent healthcare as part of what defines living. This grandaughter seems to touch on the good in all of us, potentially and blindly culpable to some degree as well, by our own agreement of a sharepremacy culture. "From the person filling in the spreadsheets to the ones making the bedsheets... we're all one people on one planet" and we can do better. This grandaughter says that it's about dignity and a conscience.
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